Your Blueprint to Data-Driven HR:

People Analytics 101

People Analytics 101 is a free, self-paced, online course teaching students about People Analytics for the first time.

Explore the essentials of people analytics, learn to solve HR challenges using data, and gain insights through diverse case studies.

Quiz: Is People Analytics 101 right for you?

  • Have you wanted to start using more data in your HR projects, but aren't sure the first step to take?

    Are you overwhelmed with the number of different platforms, tools, and terms out there for people analytics?

  • Have you started with your data analysis, but now feel stuck?

    Are you testing different approaches, running in circles not able to drive your insights to action?

  • Do you have plenty of ideas, but aren't really sure what is possible?

    Do you find yourself pitching ideas, but keep wondering if that is even possible?

Where our students come from...

Here is what my students say about my courses:

  • "it was fantastic. It was interactive and easy to follow, and the videos were broken up into smaller parts, giving time to practice and assimilate the information." - Carlos, Midway University

  • "This course is full of practical tips and tutorials on how to make better use of your data thanks to Konstantin's clear lesson plans and bite-sized videos." - Lauren, Apolitical

  • "Despite spending over two years trying to upskill and master people analytics through various courses, none have come close to the practicality and relevance of this outstanding program." - Montarious, Duracell

Everyone starting in people analytics faces the same 10 problems:

If you're reading this, chances are one (or more) of these problems are keeping you up at night (and keeping you from mastering data-driven approach to HR).

And chances are, you know you should be diving into people analytics - which is why you're on this page in the first place.

Whether it's to improve your thinking, accelerate your career trajectory, or use data to truly drive strategic decisions in your organization. ‍

  • Unsure where to start.
  • Overwhelmed by data.
  • Messy numbers.
  • Math isn't my favorite.
  • Confused by terms.
  • Which tech to choose?
  • Right track?
  • Will this get support?
  • Time required?
  • Afraid of wrong choices.

Stop LOOKING at a data. Start WORKING with it.

What is the biggest challenge beginners face?

Staring at the data and asking themselves how to get started. You want to use data to support your HR programs but don't know how to approach this challenge.

You are not alone.

With this question in mind, so many HR professionals get stuck, making building data-driven HR impossible.

Instead, you want to learn the fundamentals of the People Analytics approach.

By understanding the approach to people analytics, you establish a mental model of how to approach the data for analysis, allowing you to stop staring at a blank page and start answering strategic questions with data.

Start getting BUY-IN from the get go.

Jumping into data analysis without consulting your stakeholders is the worst thing you can do as you start in people analytics.

‍ You are so excited to share your analysis. But if it is not welcome, it doesn't only get shut down. You feel demotivated to continue with your data-driven approach.

‍ That's a losing strategy.

‍ Instead, you should bring in your stakeholders from the beginning of your data project. And then, nurture them through feedback and consultation as you analyze data. People Analytics 101 shows you how.

‍ You will produce a solid data-driven report and secure trust in your data-driven approach to HR.

Translate data insights into ACTION.

People Analytics opens up limitless possibilities.

It allows you to support your HR programs quickly and effortlessly. But more importantly, it allows you to become a champion for actioning the results of the programs.

People Analytics 101 shows you how to prioritize the right actions and plan the delivery, including how to approach measuring the program's success.

After all, action based on data insights is what transforms you from a reactive to a data-driven HR leader.

Welcome to People Analytics 101

Here is how it works:

Learn the Fundamentals of People Analytics

On the surface, People Analytics 101 is a course teaching you the basics of people analytics.

Upon joining, you'll unlock a 90-minute curriculum packed with frameworks that guarantee will never ask yourself where to get started when facing a data problem in HR.

  • 5 online, self-paced mini-courses covering definitions, principles, approach, actions, and case studies in people analytics

  • 90-minutes (45 lessons) of clear video content from a Ph.D. level instructor and people analytics leader

  • 7 realistic use cases to inspire your thinking around where you can use people analytics in your HR practice

  • 5 Templates of the key frameworks covered in the course to help you plan actions and OKRs

  • Data Literacy Assessment to identify your starting point, areas of strength and current gaps in People Analytics

Meet Your Captain

Dr. Konstantin Tskhay

My career trajectory owes a great deal to my expertise in HR analytics, a skill I honed during my Ph.D. studies at the University of Toronto.

My journey began as a management consultant in Human Capital at Deloitte, progressing to establishing a data-driven HR department at an ed-tech SaaS company. In these roles, I've witnessed firsthand a 30%+ improvement in employee engagement and retention within just 18 months.

Beyond these achievements, my proudest accomplishment has been transforming HR from a traditionally reactive unit into a strategic powerhouse, earning a well-deserved place at the executive table. This shift not only advanced my career but also significantly boosted my income.

Now, my goal is to empower 10,000 HR professionals with the power of People Analytics, sharing the insights and knowledge I've accumulated to propel your careers forward.

Want to go beyond fundamentals?

Consider my Practical People Analytics Course linked below. It provides a wholesome overview of HR dashboards, engagement, performance, compensation, and even some advanced analytics. .

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Why is it free?

    This course is all about fundamentals. I believe this knowledge should be widely and readily available. Hence, I decided to give it away for free. Please share this course with others--I would appreciate it if you help me increase my reach.

  • Will I learn how to run the analyses here?

    This course is all about fundamentals. So, you will learn critical definitions, mindset principles, and approaches to people analytics problems. Check out my Practical People Analytics course below if you want to learn analyses.

  • Can't I just find all this info myself?

    Of course! But I already aggregated it all and packaged it neatly for you.

  • How long is the access to materials?

    You will have these materials as long as the platform is active. I do not intend to migrate platforms at this point. But if I do, I will let you know.